Eco-political Association
Common good in harmony with nature

Communication platform for politically interested people

Registration for fans and members, online politicians

Conditions for fans
• Fans can become persons with minimum age 14, worldwide.
• The registration is free!
• A fan is a free user of the platform.
• A fan can become a member (online politician) anytime.
• Disclaimer: Any liability is excluded.

If you have already registered at an affiliated organization, you have an ID-Name:
No further registration needed, just login!

New registration
Data protection declaration: Any data provided is for internal use only.

Registration conditions:
One registration per person only! A person may just register one ID-Name.
True information required! At false information the registration will be deleted.

First name:*
Family name:*

Residential Address:
Street, Number:*




Date of birth:*
Year Month Day
Sex:* Male Female
Email address:*
SMS (mobile phone number):*

Your name to the public
A word with small latin letters a-z,
may include numbers (but no 0 at the beginning) and -
3 to 20 characters

3 to 30 any characters (no zero at the beginning)
Retype password:*

Login number:*
4 to 8 digits
no zero at the beginning
Invitation number:

* Required
Eco-political Association